Baby blue's syndrome
Baby blue's syndrome adalah perasaan sedih yang mungkin Anda alami di beberapa hari pertama setelah melahirkan, merasa emosional dan menangis tanpa alasan yang jelas. merasa mudah tersinggung atau sensitif.
Selama beberapa hari pertama kehidupan bayi Anda, wajar jika Anda merasakan naik turunnya emosi, sesuatu yang biasa disebut sebagai "baby blues". Dengan baby blues, Anda mungkin merasa bahagia di satu menit dan menangis atau kewalahan di menit berikutnya. Anda mungkin merasa marah, sedih, mudah tersinggung, atau putus asa.
"Baby Blue's Syndrome" isn’t a widely recognized medical term, but it seems you might be referring to “baby blues,” which is a common condition affecting new mothers. Baby blues refer to a range of mild, temporary mood swings and emotional symptoms that many women experience after giving birth. It typically includes feelings of sadness, moodiness, anxiety, and irritability.
These symptoms usually begin a few days after delivery and can last for up to two weeks. They are thought to be related to hormonal changes, sleep deprivation, and the stress of adjusting to a new baby. It's generally considered a normal part of postpartum recovery.
However, if the symptoms persist beyond two weeks or become more severe, it might be a sign of postpartum depression, which is a more serious condition requiring professional help. If you or someone you know is struggling with this, it's important to seek support from a healthcare provider.